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25.12.2021, 12:13 Uhr

Avatar von AngrySwan

Beiträge: 55
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29.05.2020, 14:45 Uhr
So far Germany at War has two large campaigns - the original Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan and custom Eastern Front 1941.

The new campaign ''War in the East'' will cover the Eastern Front from Op Barbarossa to Zitadelle. You cannot win the war, but you can still win all battles (up to Kursk), rearm your units with new better weapons and in the final scenarios play with the big cats (meow). They will not be a part of your force but you can buy as many of them as you can afford, so save your resources and use them carefully.

The motorized Elite divisions are a part of your core force, as they were in AA and 1941. If they were in historical battles they are in game. Use them if you want to or sell them for resource points if you want a force of Army units only.

There is an upgrade path to Grossdeutschland (which was an Army unit) and it can be upgraded from Infantry to Panzergrenadier. I have not checked the Elite units, they were non-core in the original campaign. If there is no upgrade path for them, the player will need to sell his old Infantry units and receive new Elite Panzergrenadier divisions. Based on their results in 1941, LAH, Totenkopf and Wiking will have 2 promotions and Das Reich will have 4, with the experience according to their promotions. The kill lists cannot be transferred to the new units, so the history of these divisions will have 2 chapters, Chapter 1 for the old Infantry division and Chapter 2 for the new Panzergrenadier division.

The story of the campaign:

In 1941 the Army moves far East but the Soviets are much stronger than the generals had expected. By the end of 1941 AG North makes a successful attack against Volkhov, destroying the Soviet supply lines to Leningrad; the defenders now have no supplies but they never surrender; they fight to the last and are destroyed. Army Group South takes Kharkov (there was a standalone scenario until now but I did not put it in 9 campaign as I could not find the fighter units for it, and the attack on Rostov by a panzer group is more interesting from the pint of view of gameplay.) Panzer Group reaches Rostov but faces a heavy Soviet counterattack and it depends of the skills of the general if he can hold the city. In the center the Army can only start a limited attack on Chimki (lack of resources, sabotage on railways etc.) The year ends, strategically, with a draw.

In early 1942 the Soviets make attacks, failing them all and wasting their resources so Germany can launch another offensive in 1942. As taking Moscow would not make a difference (Napoleon took Moscow as well as some other capitals but he never won a war by taking the enemy capital). The operations include Voronezh, Rostov 1942 (assuming the Army had to withdraw at some point, even if the Soviets failed their offensive, Road to Stalingrad and Caucasus (these will be based on the original AA scenarios). But again, the Soviets have gathered strong forces against the 6th Army' s flanks. Due to a ''rebellion of generals'' (not really Operation Walkyrie but a very emotional debate) the generals get the right to give the orders they want to, so the 6th Army breaks out of the encirclement, although with heavy losses. Another year ends with a draw.

By early 1943 the Soviets have reached Kharkov but now they are in a bad situation; Germany has received some reinforcements and the new weapons start entering mass production; the Elite divisions are reformed to Panzergrenadier, as well as the Grossdeutschland Army division. The Soviets are pushed out of Kharkov. Some months are spent as both sides prepare for the war, and finally Operation Zitadelle begins. This is the last chance. Either the Soviets will be left with a huge gap in their center or they will start moving towards the West...
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30.12.2021, 18:11 Uhr

Avatar von AngrySwan
Beiträge: 55
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29.05.2020, 14:45 Uhr
As the 1st tank group attack on Rostov-on-Don may be more interesting than First Kharkov (there only enough fighters to support one force, and a combined arms operation on Rostov is more interesting than advance on Kharkov with only infantry, and Rostov is one of my favorite flak operations) there could be some changes in the campaign:

After Kiev the 1st panzer group is sent to Melitopol, then the 11th Army takes Crimea ad then the 1st Panzer group takes Rostov and prepares for spending the winter in the new positions. At that moment, the Soviets have formed enough forces to launch a winter counterattack. Even if some Soviet divisions have the same numbers as the ones destroyed in the first Rostov scenario, that is just because the Soviets saved the division flag - if the division flag did not fall in the hands of Germans, the Soviets could form another division with the same number. So there is a winter counterattack (need to see which scenario works better). If Germany holds Rostov in winter 1941 there is no Rostov 1942 as the city was already taken. Or do they need to pull back because the enemies are too many and it is better only to lose the territory and keep the units, and come back next year? Or AG South finds enough infantry divisions to support the Rostov sector? (as in the "Feldzug" book of maps published in the US as a digital version)

The scenarios of 1942 do not see so many upgrades: the divisions with Pz IIIH or J can be upgraded to Pz IIIL that would give them better attack values. Late in 1942 the Army could receive a Tiger regiment but the crews are new and have 0 experience, unless you have enough resources to upgrade veterans to a Tiger unit (assuming they had enough time to train with Tigers, and then you need to form another Pz IIIL division with recruits; if you think it is worth the cost and time.) The first Fw190 arrive to the Eastern front (need to see when and to which fighter division). PzIV can keep their short 75 mm barrels in 1942 if they will be used mainly in anti-infantry role supported by PzIIIL; StuGIII units will see new machines with longer guns, and the first Marder antitank guns are also available.

Zitadelle in 1943 sees 2 battalions (or you may call it 1 regiment) of Panthers, the same Tiger regiment and 2 battalions or 1 regiment in the North, near Ponyri (there is a Kursk North map for the Soviet counterattack). Artillery receives Nebelwerfer 1942 and the 4 Nebelwerfer brigades formed in 1941 just needs to be rearmed with the 1942 version; some units of Wespe, Nashorn and Hummel; the air force now has Bf 109G6, Fw190 and Bf110F in its fighter force and the new versions of He111 in the bomber brigades. The 88 mm flaks are still the best anti-air weapons, and the light flaks can be mounted on halftracks, improving the protection of the ground forces.

PzIV after the long 75 mm gun becomes the best mass produced ''antitank tank'' while PzIIIN with the short 75 mm now becomes the best ''infantry tank'' although it is now obsolete in antitank role.

Even if the campaign ends in 1943 with successful Zitadelle it if far from lost. There the historical scenarios end. The campaign may as well end with successful Zitadelle and optimism in debriefing.

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 30.12.2021 um 18:14 Uhr von AngrySwan verändert
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03.02.2022, 10:16 Uhr
Ronald Wendt

Avatar von Ronald Wendt

Beiträge: 2525
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15.04.2003, 19:28 Uhr
The campaign was updated on Steam today:

- new missions were added that can be played depending on the paths (victories/defeats) you take:
- Bialystok
- Chimki
- Maikop
- Kalinin
- Voronezh
- Rostov 1942
- Stalingrad
Klomanager für PC gibts hier: Klomanager - Hochgewürgt

Retrofreaks gehen auf www.atari-ste.org

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 03.02.2022 um 10:17 Uhr von Ronald Wendt verändert
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03.02.2022, 13:06 Uhr

Avatar von AngrySwan
Beiträge: 55
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29.05.2020, 14:45 Uhr
Bialystok and Kalinin are a part of the 1941 campaign and fully tested.

Working on the "not so optimistic'' path. Chimki has been tested and some small changes to text messages. The political/strategic events with pictures (like Japanese sailing to Pearl Harbor) have the background in Allied, Axis or Western Allied colors, depending on who is winning. Events on the battlefield (You captured a city, or The enemy blew a bridge) have a neutral background with the flag of the nation that has taken the city etc. It is the same system used for Ostfront 1942.

This weekend I will do the first test of the new Voronezh scenario. The Operation Blau will be done with two new army groups, A (11th and 17th armies and 1st panzer army also including the Wiking division) and B (6th army and 4th panzer army). The total number of panzer divisions is now 24 and if you have not lost any of them in 1941, there are 2 in the West, 2 in Africa, 2 with AG North and 4 with AG Center (assuming these army groups hold the line and nothing much happens in their sectors which means you can bring 14 panzer divisions to the South, compared to historical 9. The new panzer divisions (21 to 24) will be given in the new scenarios. Tiger is available late in 1942 but it will not be given - you must buy it.
Also, Fw 190 finally arrives to the East (I never use these in 1941) and it is time to figure out which fighter/bomber brigades are in the North and what planes they use. With 6 panzer divisions going to Voronezh, 4 to Millerovo (there is no such scenario but I keep it in mind) and and 4 to Rostov the operation must have good beginning.

The campaign path after Tikhvin will be:
- Chimki (tested)
- Voronezh (prepared for the first test)
- Rostov 1942
- Stalingrad 1942
- Maikop

Two scenarios are planned for 1943, Third Kharkov and Zitadelle South. (There is a map for Zitadelle North with a smaller scenario around Ponyri but I will first do the more important scenarios and add Zitadelle North later.)

This new path 1941-1943 will not give a strategic victory but you can use the new weapons and the campaign if you win Zitadelle is open ended.
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20.03.2022, 19:38 Uhr

Avatar von AngrySwan
Beiträge: 55
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29.05.2020, 14:45 Uhr
There are two versions of the Eastern Front campaign:

Eastern Front 1941 - stock scenarios with Bialystok and Kalinin added. The campaign ends in December 1941 with Moscow scenario.

Eastern Front 19941-1943 - it covers the historical German offensives from 1941 to July 1943.
The original Moscow scenario is replaced by Chimki and new scenarios in 1942 and 1943 are added:
-Rostov 1942
-Third Kharkov
-Zitadelle North
-Zitadelle South

In this version you cannot take Moscow but there is a chance to use the new weapons by the summer of 1943.
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24.12.2022, 16:55 Uhr

Avatar von AngrySwan
Beiträge: 55
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29.05.2020, 14:45 Uhr
In order to avoid playtesting of two campaigns which are in fact the same campaign with different endings, the Ostfront campaign will have a choice after the end of Tikhvin scenario, with a question "When and how will the Eastern campaign end?"

There will be two possible solutions:

The campaign ends with capture of Moscow in 1941 - this is the same campaign path as in the original Ostfront, AG Center takes Moscow and the campaign ends with a strategic victory.

The campaign ends in 1943 - there is no possibility to take Moscow in 1941; all AG Center can do is go as far as Chimki but the Soviets hold Moscow and start an all-out counterattack in winter of 1941/1942. However, the Army is better prepared for winter war as it historically was and holds the line although it is pushed back from Moscow.

The 1942 starts with a German offensive in the South as in the original Astrakhan-Arkhangelsk company; the Army has kept all of its panzer divisions and most of theme can take part in the southern offensive. No Elite forces for 1942 as they are in the process of upgrading to full panzergrenadier divisions. The offensive starts with Voronezh and Rostov 42 and then proceeds to Stalingrad (with destroying the Soviet defense lines in front of the city but without entering the city itself). There is a large force of panzer divisions kept as reserve behind AG South as the Army remembers the end of 1941 and is prepared for another nasty surprise. And, again, it happens. The 6th Army is pushed away from Stalingrad although the Soviets do not encircle the 6th Army completely. By the end of 1942 the Eastern front sees the first Tiger tanks as well as Fw 190 fighters (I have a house rule not to use them until the autumn of 1942 when they were deployed in the East historically). The panzers are rearmed with long guns (50 mm and 75 mm) and Pz III still remains the most common panzer.

1943 starts with the Third Kharkov and yet another technological upgrade. Third Kharkov sees panzergrenadier divisions, Elite as well as Army. Pz III are upgraded to Ausf. N and Pz IV to Ausf.H. There could be some deviation from the historical dates in Third Kharkov as Grossdeutschland can only be deployed in the middle of the historical date and Pz III Ausf. N is only available for a short time if you want to upgrade it in game using the HQ screen. Operation Zitadelle sees new types of self propelled artillery like Wespe and Hummel and there are the first Panthers in Zitadelle South as well as a unit of Ferdinands in the Northern sector. Depending on the outcome of Zitadelle the campaign has either an open end with some optimism in the debriefing or the historical results with strategic defeat in near future.
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